What is #MusicAdvent?
#MusicAdvent is 25 days of shared music on social media, December 1-25! Each year features a new set of "rules" to guide everyone's music selections. Not Xmas music, but music of any genre that is much loved by the person posting it.
In 2013, we chose our favorite songs from each year leading up to 2013 on December 25 (i.e. December 24, we picked songs from 2012; 2011 on December 23...). In 2014, each participant started December 1 with a song from his/her birth year and added a year onward to December 25. In 2015, it's alphabetical (except for poor "X"), with the December 1 song beginning with "A" and so on.
Every post, regardless of medium (Facebook, Twitter, etc) should include hashtag #MusicAdvent and a YouTube link or other link to the song.